Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Alban Elfed

It's nearly time to celebrate Alban Elfed/Mabon.  The second harvest is almost upon us and I give thanks to Mother Nature for her abundance at this time.  The weather in Britain hasn't been particulary kind to our growers.  The fields of corn are looking pretty poor compared to last years crop so I guess food prices are going to soar this year.  I personally didn't grow anything in my little garden mainly due to health problems.  I do have some herbs I can harvest though.

I love the smell of Autumn, the freshness of the air and it's special fragrance.  T'is the twilight of the year as the wheel turns ever steadily towards Samhain, when the circle will be complete.

May you all never go hungry or thirsty.  So mote it be!  /|\